Approximately five miles southwest of Alton in Osborne County, Kansas, 90-year something old Clifford Roach and his descendants held their annual celebration of the end of the wheat harvest by demonstrating some of the vintage farm implements that Clifford has collected and restored over the years. A crowd of around 100 interested visitors to the Roach farm were treated to an authentic look at how harvest was handled in years gone by.
Something called "The Great American Candy Machine" suddenly arrived on the scene. No one, especially the kids present, knew what to expect - at least until the short cannon went off and candy began raining down on everyone's heads. From there on it was one joyous mad scramble!
Then it was back to the demonstrations. The entire afternoon was free of charge; anyone who wished to watch could do so. And they were also treated to free root beer floats!
And a good time was had by all! They will do it again next year!